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Welcome to the FPS Creator Kit Group! This Connect group allows you to engage with fellow creators who are also new to Unity. TheShow more
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Andrew Donnell
Aug 12, 2019
Welcome to the Creator Kit: FPS Group. As a new user you will find this group useful to interact with others who are also at their Unity learning beginnings. You will find Unity Staff and experienced developers around to help you with any of the issues that may arise during your learning process.

With this group you will be able to discuss, ask questions and show off your work based around the FPS Creator Kit. Not only will you be able to interact with the group and see content shared from Unity, you can 'Join Discussion Channel' by clicking on the button at the top right of this page. This will allow you to interact with others through our messenger system in a chat exclusively related to the group.

We are incredibly excited to have you here and to help you in your journey with Unity and hope you have a lot of fun learning how to build games with us.

Andrew - Unity

2 years ago
How do I download version 2020.3
fireballer i run over it in play mode and it doesnt let me pick it up please help me!
Hello I need help making my FPS microgame you see basically im trying to add my new weapons (shotgun and fireballer) and when i install shotgun it doesnt let me edit my project and when i add firebla
4 years ago
Reply@Christopher RizkallahI'm also having troubles with this scene, when I try to play it all I see is a black screen, the map on the upper left, weapons and a strange timer. I have over 999 errors and can seem to move around in this black space. Is there something that I need to install that I missed out on?
Hi Christopher, thank you very much for replying. I did this yesterday and worked out for me as well. But I have an other problem now. Even though I followed the tutorials step by step my game does not terminate in the room which I defined as the end of level. Do you have any idea where the problem is or what I can do to solve it?
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Sep 27, 2022
create a game 3d whith guns

Aug 19, 2022

Mar 8, 2022
Newbie question re: 'GameUI' Prefab
I'm trying to change the render mode to either 'Screen Space - Camera' or 'World Space', but this requires a link to the camera. The CharacterRoot->MainCamera can not be selected in the render mode popup.
Anyone know why? Or, how to link the main camera to the GameUI object ?

How can I add more ammo to weapons?

Jan 6, 2022
I'm having problems when playing the example scene - player begins moving to the left and forward and won't stop. WASD and arrows work to move chacter but fight against the continual left/forward movement. This problem happens on my both laptop and desktop - both are windows 11. Using Unity 2020.3.25f1 DX11. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a way to overcome?

2 years ago
I am having a similar issue with 2020.3.15f1 on this tutorial; my WASD works to move, my LMB fires.. but the character is staring straight up into the air, and does not respond to mouse input for view angle.
Welcome to the FPS Creator Kit Group! This Connect group allows you to engage with fellow creators who are also new to Unity. TheShow more
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