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Welcome to the Junior Programmer course created for users who are looking to expand their engineering skills to solve complexShow more
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Mar 31, 2023
We have some news to share - we’ll be closing down the Unity Learn groups feature on Friday 6 April 2023. Whilst we understand that this may cause inconvenience for some of you, we have great resources and community channels ready to support you on your Unity journey, you can check them out here - https://unity.com/community

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our support team https://unity.com/support-services.

Keep creating,

The Unity Learn team

Gregory Lane
Jun 1, 2021
Hi Learners!

As you may know, the bulk of the content on the Learn platform is developed internally by Unity, but there are some pieces of content that are provided by independent creators and studios. The Learn platform itself is frequently updating, adding, and removing pieces of content to ensure there is a good mix of content to cover all subjects related to development.

On June 3rd, 2021, we will be deprecating the content developed by our partners at Pluralsight. You can find a full list of impacted courses here on the forums. (https://forum.unity.com/threads/tutorial-deprecation-faqs-june-3rd-2021.1116733/) You have until then to finish any open courses, or start something new!

When these courses come down, you’ll keep any XP for any tutorials you have already completed. Some of these tutorials appear in our Junior Programmer pathway, and we will be replacing it with updated content.

Thanks so much for learning with us. We can’t wait to show you what we’ll be working on next!

-The Unity Learn Team

a year ago
I don't know if this happened to anyone but both in spanish and engilsh version the 1.1 does not appear, its just the 1.2 straight up with all the scene already set. Is there a way to know how the scene was set before the lesson 1.2?
a year ago
I didn't get the mentioned "1.2 not completing" glitch but instead had it happen for Unit 5 - Bonus Features. Whatever I do it doesn't let me complete it despite having the badge and I don't know if I got the xp from it. Here is the proof of completion I guess, https://learn.unity.com/submission/6422dad8edbc2a3e1640569c
a year ago
I've completed this path but the issue with not passing 1.2 still exists. Selecting the next module allows you to proceed / earn the badge, but xp drops do not trigger and 1.2 will never be marked "complete" despite having the badge for it.
a year ago
Successfully completed pathway and earned badge. I experienced the common bug of the program not getting past 1.2. I manually switched to the next session whenever this occurred using the links in the left gutter and continued on. Once I completed everything, I was still able to get the badge.
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Gregory Lane
May 12, 2021
Join us for Create with Code Live, a free, four-week program where you’ll gain foundational skills in Unity and C# programming to be able to create your own real-time 3D interactive games and experiences. The course will also set you up for success by teaching you the skills required to take the Unity Certified User: Programmer exam.

The program is a combination of live, hour-long classes with Unity experts two times a week and self-paced learning.

Class starts on May 17. Live sessions are Mondays and Thursdays at 9am PT, and will be recorded.

Create with Code covers the first half of material in the Junior Programmer pathway. Join us to show off what you've done or to work alongside our instructors!

Sign-up today with the link in the comments below!

2 years ago
can i use these skills for 2d programming?
Reply@Davidruble1970@gmail.comFor some reason my truck drive super slow I tried to adjust it in the inspector but still drives slow I am on section 1.4 step 3 when you add the verticle input
try making the speed a private variable and set the speed in the script to 10 or more as desired :) hope this helps
2 years ago
hello, world
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Gregory Lane
Nov 23, 2020
Welcome to Junior Programmer Pathway group! Designed for anyone interested in learning to code or obtaining an entry-level Unity role, this pathway assumes a basic knowledge of Unity and has no math prerequisites. Junior Programmer prepares you to get Unity Certified so that you can demonstrate your job-readiness to employers.

This is the perfect place to add questions or share your learning journey as you work though this pathway. I can't wait to see what you create!

2 years ago
Reply@subashth222@Aashish Rai can you please help to to learn
yeah sure, we can help each other. add me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raiaashish404
2 years ago
Does completing the Junior Programmer path properly prepare you for the Unity Certified Associate: Programmer exam?
2 years ago
Reply@subashth222@Aashish Rai can you please help to to learn
@Aashish Rai well i am just the beginner and also i am from nepal so i hope i will get help form you
2 years ago
@Aashish Rai can you please help to to learn
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Apr 4, 2023

Apr 3, 2023
Why do i get the below errors after creating my unity project
No usable version of libssl was found
Aborted (core dumped)

No usable version of libssl was found
Aborted (core dumped)

Welcome to the Junior Programmer course created for users who are looking to expand their engineering skills to solve complexShow more
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