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Unity VR Development

Desarrollo de VR

¿Estás listo para desarrollar en VR? ¡Este Trayecto de aprendizaje guiado te preparará para el campo profesional de la industrial de VR!

Accept your badge from Credly

Pathway badges are issued through Unity's professional badging partner, Credly. This is the same platform that hosts Unity's Certification badges. When you complete a Pathway, Credly will issue the Pathway badge to the email address associated with your Unity ID, and will send you an email inviting you to create an Credly account (if you don't already have one) to claim your badge. You will also be able to see the Pathways badge in your badge list on the “My Learning” dashboard, but claiming your badge through Credly will enable you to add it to the “Licenses and Certifications” section of a LinkedIn profile, and to other professional networks.

If you completed the Pathway but did not receive the email from Credly, please check your spam folder in case it was accidentally marked as spam. If you accidentally deleted the email, a follow-up will be sent automatically in a few days. If you still cannot find the email, please check your Unity ID account settings to ensure that your email address is up-to-date. If the email was not correct at the time you completed the Pathway, please contact customer support.

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Pathway Description

¡Te damos la bienvenida al trayecto Desarrollo de Realidad Virtual (VR, por sus siglas en inglés)! Este trayecto de aprendizaje está diseñado para todas las personas que deseen aprender a crear experiencias de VR (realidad virtual). Este trayecto requiere un dominio básico de Unity y conocimientos esenciales de programación.

Skills you will learn


Related Job Opportunities

After completing this pathway, you will have the skills needed to qualify for the jobs linked below.

Discover your next job opportunity

Content Outline

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0/4 Missions completed

You can skip ahead to the  Mission checkpoint to get credit for the mission and earn a badge. You must pass all mission checkpoints to earn the pathway badge.