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Practical Game Accessibility

+300 XP
12 Hours40 Mins
When you make a game, you’re crafting a shared experience. Whether your game is a private gift for one person or a global commercial release, for solo play or many players, it’s an invitation to connect with and respond to your ideas as a creator. When you make your game more accessible, you’re extending that invitation to a wider and more diverse audience.
This course is a practical introduction to accessibility for intermediate creators. As you complete it, you’ll choose a game to create and work on making that game as accessible as possible.
By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:
  • Apply an inclusive design approach to your work as a creator
  • Identify critical accessibility requirements for your projects
  • Implement accessibility review and feedback cycles throughout development
  • Design and develop features using an inclusive design approach
  • Maintain a focus on accessibility while adapting to constraints and emerging project needs
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Last updated: June 15, 2022
Overview Video
Welcome to Practical Game Accessibility
0 Secs