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Catapult Physics; Forces, and Energy

+60 XP
3 Hours
For Educators
In this project, you will have a chance to explore the physics involved in a catapult launch. Lessons on forces and energy will guide your exploration and a final challenge will test your knowledge. You will be manipulating multiple variables in the engine itself to produce changes in velocity, acceleration, distance and more!

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Project Objective
At the end of this project, you will be able to:
  • Adjust the mass of a cannonball launched from a catapult.
  • Adjust the force applied to a cannonball by a catapult.
  • Understand the relationship between a force applied to a cannonball and its velocity.
  • Understand the relationship between a force applied to a cannonball and the distance it travels.
  • Use the velocity calculated in the Unity Editor to determine the acceleration of a cannonball at different points in its arc.
  • Adjust the mass of a cannonball and the force used to launch it and understand the relationship between mass, force, and energy.
  • Understand the relationship between elastic potential energy and kinetic energy.
  • Understand the relationship between the kinetic energy involved in the launch of a cannonball and the gravitational potential energy that a cannonball gains as it travels higher.
  • Explain the relationship between the law of conservation of energy and the way a catapult launches a cannonball.
  • Use kinematic equations to find the acceleration of a ball as it launches from a catapult.
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Last updated: February 02, 2024