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Covers the in's and out's of exporting. The tutorial focuses on two major DCC packages, Blender and Maya. This may extend to other software in the future such as 3D Max, Houdini, ZBrush, Adobe products, etc.
At the end, you will have a change to write a basic exporter in python and a little bit of MEL. Disclaimer, learning python or how to install python is beyond the scope of this tutorial as well as learning Maya or Blender. It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of both the language and the software.
In order to prep for the tutorial, you may refer to these resources:
  • Learning Maya - A playlist of Maya lessons. The videos are from several years ago, but many workflows remain the same
  • Blender Tutorial for Complete Beginners - Series of videos by Blender Guru
  • Python for Beginners - Decent crash course into the basics of Python
  • Python.org
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