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Hosting the Unity Editor on AWS AppStream

+10 XP
3 Hours
As more schools and districts move towards a remote learning format, we at Unity want to help recommend ways to get your students set up with Unity if they don’t have access to a computer at home. In this tutorial, we’ll help you get set up with AWS AppStream to provide Unity over a web streaming experience. This means that they no longer need to have a computer to run Unity - as long as they have an internet connection, they’ll be good to go!
Note: Using AppStream for a large amount of students over a long period of time can become very costly. We recommend working with your IT Department for a solution like this to take advantage of the Academic License pricing. You can see the calculated costs of AppStream here: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/desktop-and-application-streaming/amazon-appstream-2-0-releases-a-simple-pricing-tool/. When calculating costs, set the “Instance type and size” to graphics-design.large.
Hosting the Unity Editor on AWS AppStream