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Introduction to 3D Animation Systems

+300 XP
12 Hours25 Mins
In this course, you'll explore the fundamentals of Unity’s 3D animation systems. You will:
  • Review the core concepts for the animation systems in Unity
  • Connect those core concepts to the functionality of the Unity Editor
  • Apply your learning through creating and modifying simple animations
  • Review key principles of scripting for animation
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:
  • Confidently use Unity's 3D animation systems to create basic in-game (or in-app) animations for your own projects
  • Begin to create custom animation scripts, if you have relevant C# scripting experience for Unity.
Who is this course for?
This course is for intermediate and confident beginner users of Unity. It will help you develop your understanding of the animation systems in Unity, but will be of limited use to learners who want to create cinematic animations for media experiences or game cutscenes. To get the most out of the course, you’ll need basic coding experience in Unity. This will help inform your understanding of the complexity of different animations scripting scenarios.
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Last updated: August 25, 2020