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Zoe - VR for education * Deprecated*

+300 XP
6 Hours55 Mins
For Educators
* Update: This guide is outdated as it was built using a deprecated version of the Zoe for Unity plugin. Therefore, it isn't usable at this time. We are working on a brand new series of Learn Lessons and demo scenes. For the most accurate and relevant information, please visit https://zoeimmersive.com/unity

Zoe is a learning platform allowing students to become creators while developing their computational & problem solving skills through Virtual Reality. Our platform includes two software: The 'Zoe App', a standalone application for all VR headsets and 'Zoe for Unity', an extension of the game engine, allowing students to build their own interactive VR experiences while gaining experience in using the Unity Game Engine.
With the VR for Education course, learn how to work with the 'Zoe for Unity' and leverage the power of the game engine with the simplicity of Zoe to unleash students creativity and build confidence in their technical abilities.
Learn more about Zoe and sign-up for a free teacher account on www.zoe.com.
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Last updated: November 30, 2023
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