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Unity 6: New Rendering Features

+0 XP
20 Mins
Unity 6 introduces a number of new rendering features that you can use to improve performance and lighting quality in your project. In this course, you will learn how to work with these new features, and the impact they have on your project. You will enable the GPU Resident Drawer feature to draw thousands of objects with minimal impact on frame rate, and learn how the GPU Occlusion Culling system can offload the occlusion culling workload onto the GPU. You will also explore the Rendering Debugger tools to visualize how these new features impact your scene, and how the Adaptive Probe Volume system places probes within the scene automatically.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Configure, visualize, and debug the new rendering features
  • Use Adaptive Probe Volumes to bake global illumination in your scene
  • Blend between Adaptive Probe Volume scenarios in the editor, and at runtime
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Last updated: October 18, 2024