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Create with Code - Teacher Training

+300 XP
55 Mins
In this short teacher training unit, you will learn everything you need to know in order to bring the Create with Code curriculum into your classroom. You will follow along with a worksheet that will help make sure you have thought through all the details and are ready to go when the students walk into the classroom on Day 1. First, you will be oriented to the course, then you will be guided through customizing the course to fit the needs of your classroom, and review a final checklist to make sure you haven't forgotten anything.
In the Create with Code course itself, students will use Unity to learn the fundamentals of programming in the context of creating their own projects. During the course, they will create several prototypes along with the instructor, manage a larger personal project more independently, and complete challenges and quizzes along the way to solidify and expand their new knowledge. The skills that they learn will align with the learning objectives from the Unity Certified User exam, providing them with a foundational understanding of Unity and C# programming. In addition to these core technical competencies, students will learn how to manage a project from start to finish: coming up with a concept, creating a project plan, prioritizing tasks, and hitting milestones. By the end of the course, students will have the confidence that, given enough time and resources, they can create anything they want with Unity and C#.

Educator Plan

Designed for post-secondary and K-12 educators at accredited academic institutions teaching Unity in the classroom, the Unity Educator plan provides you with free access to the same real-time 3D development tools used by professionals to support your students.
Included in this plan are Unity Pro, cloud-based collaboration, cloud build, free Unity assets, and much more!
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Last updated: June 24, 2021