We have some news to share - we’ll be closing down the Unity Learn groups feature on Friday 6 April 2023. Whilst we understand that this may cause inconvenience for some of you, we have great resources and community channels ready to support you on your Unity journey, you can check them out here - https://unity.com/community
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our support team https://unity.com/support-services.
Welcome to the FPS Creators Group. As a new user you will find this group useful to interact with others who are also at their Unity learning beginnings. You will find Unity Staff and experienced developers around to help you with any of the issues that may arise during your learning process.
With this group you will be able to discuss, ask questions and show off your work based around the FPS Creators In-Editor Tutorial. Not only will you be able to interact with the group and see content shared from Unity, you can 'Join Discussion Channel' by clicking on the button at the top right of this page. This will allow you to interact with others through our messenger system in a chat exclusively related to the group.
We are incredibly excited to have you here, to help you in your journey with Unity and hope you have a lot of fun learning how to build games with us.
Reply@psadithyan793:Hi, I'm beginner in coding. I have a problem,Please help me to change the player inputs to touch input.
I found out an asset called Joystick on unity asset store which you can use to make easy touch input. Also I saw Brackeys tutorial on touch input on YouTube. You should see it to get a better idea of how it will work.
Can i know how many people worked on preparing this project? & the external softwares used to prepare the models and textures for the game? Asking for an Assignment. Thanks
If a tutorial requires an asset it is usally linked in step 1.
And check the tutorial list again, tutorials involving Snaps state "Sorry, this learning content is no longer available." for me. (referrign to Project: FPS Microgame)
I just started to learn Unity. I downloaded the FPS Microgame learning project, but it seems the input is completely loose. It keeps "looking up and spinning slowly". I added a video to demonstrate.
Check to see what devices you have plugged into your USB ports. I had rudder pedals plugged in and had this problem. It went away after removing that device.
Staying active in the Unity community is key to success when first making games with Unity. This FPS Creators group allows you toShow more