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Created: February 08, 2023
Mission Version 2.0

AR face filters

+300 XP
In this learning experience, you will create your own augmented reality (AR) face filter apps using Unity. You will create multiple face filter projects from start to finish that are compatible with both Android and iOS devices.
The first app you’ll create will overlay textures, animated 3D models, particles, and other effects on the user’s face. The second app is more interactive and will allow the user to select, customize, and visualize different pairs of glasses.
To implement this functionality, you will use Visual Scripting: a graphical programming system that does not require any written code. Along the way, there are also quizzes and challenges to help solidify your skills and build your portfolio.
AR apps have never been in higher demand. Whether you just want to create cool face filters or pursue this industry as a potential career, this course is the perfect place to start.
By the end of this learning experience, you’ll be able to:
  • Evaluate proposed AR experiences.
  • Develop AR apps that implement face detection.
  • Build AR projects to mobile devices.

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