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Created: October 02, 2020
Mission Version 2.0

Get started with Unity

+300 XP
Please note: We have updated this pathway. If you would like to instead work through the newly updated version, click here.
This Mission will guide you from first install to creating your first Unity projects to play and share with others. Whether you've never downloaded Unity before, or you've begun tinkering but aren't sure where to start your learning, you're in the right place.
This Mission is the beginning of the Unity Essentials Pathway.
In this Mission, you’ll:
  • Install the Unity Hub and Editor.
  • Identify and use essential features of the Unity Editor.
  • Navigate in 3D space in the Scene view.
  • Create and manage projects in the Unity Hub.
  • Identify the key elements of the Unity Learning Ecosystem, and their purpose.
  • Earn your first badge.
By the end of this Mission, you will have the skills you need to begin using the Unity Editor, the resources of Unity’s Learning Ecosystem, and the Unity Hub. These skills are essential for all Unity creators.

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