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From Google Cardboard to Google Earth VR

+300 XP
3 Hours30 Mins
In this project, we will look at the explosion of VR related developments that have taken place since that time, with a focus on how Unity native support for VR features has rapidly evolved along with them.
Project Objective
By the end of this project, you will be able to:
  • Describe the differences between mobile VR and room scale VR
  • Describe what an arm model is in mobile VR
  • Describe how machine vision is critical for room scale VR
  • Describe how Bluetooth technology is used for room scale VR and mobile VR
  • Describe the current VR hardware landscape.
  • Explain why an arm model is not needed in room scale VR
  • Describe how machine vision is used in both mobile and room scale VR
  • Understand inside out and outside in tracking
  • Identify and determine how to address safety and comfort concerns for both room scale and mobile VR apps
  • Create a Product Brief defining the audience, supporting technologies, and key features of an XR application.
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Last updated: January 21, 2022