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Project Overview - Cinematic Design in Unity with Cinemachine and Timeline

5 Mins
In this project, we're going to learn how to create cut scenes with Unity starting from the preproduction phase. Some of the major topics that we will cover include understanding the purpose of preproduction for creating cinematics, creating storyboards to communicate our ideas and prepare for work in Unity, and how to manage large numbers of Cinemachine cameras and other cut scene elements with Timeline. By the end of this course, you'll know how to create a cut scene in Unity from start to finish and you'll also be armed with the right questions to ask yourself when wanting to develop a cut scene of your own. You'll be familiar with the entire preproduction pipeline for planning cut scenes and will have set yourself up for success in your personal productions.
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Last updated: November 05, 2019
Project Overview - Cinematic Design in Unity with Cinemachine and Timeline