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Project Overview - UV Mapping Game Characters in Maya

+10 XP
5 Mins
This course will start by introducing you to the concept of UVs and explaining what they're used for. We'll take this knowledge and plan for the materials that we'll create after our asset gets moved over into Unity. From here, we'll move step by step through the process of creating three different material-driven UV layouts for the hero of our game, Swords and Shovels. Along the way, you'll learn about some of the most important tools that Maya ships with for creating UVs. You'll also learn techniques for approaching the various mesh pieces that make up our character. By the end of this course, you'll have a solid foundation of knowledge with Maya's UV toolset to begin creating UV layouts for your own game assets.
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Last updated: November 05, 2019
Also included in
Project Overview - UV Mapping Game Characters in Maya