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Unit 3 - Using Unity to Develop VR Experiences

+10 XP
1 Hour30 Mins
Joy Horvath of Unity will teach you how to use the Unity platform to develop VR experiences. You'll learn how to enable VR in the Unity Editor using Oculus Integration tools, VRTK, and other resources. You'll also dive into the sample project, and use the Unity editor to enable VR in the escape room vertical slice.
Learning Objectives:
  • Install Oculus Integration and VRTK in Unity
  • Enable VR in a Unity Project and explore VR SDK use cases
  • Set up a basic Scene using Oculus Utilities and VRTK
Remember to follow along and build your own vertical slice! You can access additional support and submit your vertical slice to the Oculus Developer Support team for feedback: https://developer.oculus.com/unity-learn-vr/
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Last updated: January 21, 2022
Unit 3 - Using Unity to Develop VR Experiences