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Recorded Live Session - Up and Running with HDRP

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50 Mins
Watch the recording of the Learn Live virtual session where a Unity Certified Instructor led learners through a series of mini-challenges to setup up and use the High Definition Render Pipeline. This project is based on the Spotlight Tunnel project. It features high quality realistic assets that serve as a perfect example of the types of rendering capabilities that are possible with the HDRP. The techniques learned in the project can be applied to any HDRP project and this project should be used as a reference for your high fidelity needs. After setting up HDRP, you will learn how its Materials, Lighting, and Volumetric workflows differ from the Standard Render Pipeline, and then practice using each in a series of challenges. Throughout the session, you will learn how to:
  • Setup a project to use the HDRP
  • Import HDRP into a project
  • Setup the HDRP Asset
  • Configure the Volume settings.
  • Create the Volume component
  • Configure Volumetrics
  • Identify the differences between the default renderer and the High Definition Render Pipeline
  • Lighting
  • Materials
  • Post Processing
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Last updated: October 15, 2020
Also included in
Recorded Live Session - Up and Running with HDRP