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Getting Started with Odin

+60 XP
1 Hour40 Mins
Welcome to this getting started course for Odin Inspector and Validator. Odin Inspector helps you create custom editors for your game with ease, while Odin Validator helps you validate all your data so you can catch errors before they become a problem.
By the end of this course, you'll understand the capabilities and features of Odin and know how to leverage them effectively. You'll learn how to set up Odin Inspector and Validator, use attributes, and create custom editor windows. You'll also understand how to extract the most value from Odin Validator, and ultimately, increase your productivity in Unity significantly.
This course is intended for people who are not familiar with Odin but have some experience programming in C#. Creating new ScriptableObject and MonoBehaviour scripts should be familiar concepts to you.
Note: The Odin Serializer will not be covered in this course.
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Last updated: June 06, 2024